Pr-02 Tourism Marketing


Hendy M.E.Kumaat,SE.MSi
Manado State Polytechnic
Deisy Ch. Andih, SE.MSi
Manado State Polytechnic
admin admin


Marketing, Tourist, Tourism Marketing


Tourism is a driver of the economy of a country, especially a region. Where tourism is an activity that provides tourism services. For this reason, tourism marketing is really needed to introduce and market tourism products in a country or region in particular.

This course with code 6312214 with 16 meetings is designed to provide a philosophical foundation for prospective marketers of tourism products in a fundamental way by presenting 10 main topics, namely Tourism as part of the hospitality industry, Tourism Marketing Mix, Life cycle of tourism destinations, Tourism consumers and travel motivation, Supply Tourism, Market Segmentation, Tourism destination image, Customer Loyalty, Marketing Research and E-Commerce in the tourism industry.

This lecture system is implemented by combining face-to-face lectures, independent assignments and practice.

Author Biographies

Hendy M.E.Kumaat,SE.MSi , Manado State Polytechnic

Hendy M.E.Kumaat, SE.MSi has studied the Bachelor of Economics Program and Postgraduate Program at Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. As a teacher in the Tourism Department, the courses taught include Quality Management Systems, Introduction to Management, Tourism Marketing, House Keeping.

Deisy Ch. Andih, SE.MSi, Manado State Polytechnic

Deisy Ch.Andih, SE.MSi has studied at the Undergraduate Program in Management Economics, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado and Postgraduate Program at Padjajaran University, Bandung, in the field of management economics. As a teacher in the Tourism Department, the courses taught include Introduction to Management, Tourism Marketing, Hotel Marketing, Excellent Service Techniques, MICE Management, Professional Ethics and Entrepreneurship.



January 26, 2024